Wednesday, August 10, 2011

How to Choose the Best Golf Travel Deals

Golf travel has become one of the most popular types of destination vacations. Many travel agents specialize in putting together and booking trips to areas of the country or other countries that are famous for their golf courses. Like any activity that becomes very popular, there are always a few scammers who take advantage of golfers willing to put up big dollars for golf trips that allow them to play golf courses they’ve seen on television or read about in a golfing magazine. Here are things to be watchful for when you book your next golf travel vacation.

Always ask for an itemized list of charges when you book your golf vacations, especially if you’re booking a package deal. Ask your travel agent if the price you’re paying includes greens fees and court surcharges, and if there will be other charges.

Be aware that some golf courses may require you to rent a cart. Many of the best courses don’t allow non-members to walk the green and require them to rent a cart instead.

Don’t book golf travel trips blind – that is, without knowing what’s going on in the area at the time you’ll be visiting. Check the local calendar to see what other events might be happening in the town or cities you’ll be staying in. Among other things, knowing what’s going on in town will help you schedule other activities around your golf games.

If your package deal includes golf and not just lodging in an area that gives you access to the golf courses you want to play, be sure to check the ratings and reviews on the courses where you’re booked to play. After all, what fun is golf travel if you end up playing on poorly ranked courses?

Choose a golf travel deal at an all-inclusive resort with a great reputation for golf. Many of the areas most famous for golf feature resorts built around golf courses, courses where anyone who is registered at the resort can play. Whether you book at a Myrtle Beach golf resort or an Arizona golf resort, you’re sure to get your rounds in if the golf course is part of the resort.

Whether your golf travel takes you to the East Coast or the West Coast, or even across the Atlantic to visit famous Scotland golf landmarks, always check the details of your arrangements to be sure that you’re getting what you think you’re getting. After all, your golf trip should provide you with nothing but happy memories.

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